Shire Tenders

Tender Information

The Shire of Mingenew requests the submission of tenders by suitably qualified and experienced constractors for the Design and Construction of a new Early Childhood Facility at 20 Victoria Road, Mingenew WA 6522.

The nature and extent of the works is to be ascertained by reference to the concept drawings, specifications, and conditions of contract, which can be downloaded from


For further information contact

Tenders close at 2.30pm on Wednesday 10 November 2023 and must be submitted electronically via Tenderlink.

Download a Tender

Please see below to download current tender packages.

  • Select the Tender(s) you would like to download.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Tender Register

The CEO is responsible for maintaining a tender register which is to include certain details of each tender such as a description of the goods and services sought, a copy of any notices issued in relation to the tender, a list of acceptable tenderers and the name of the successful tenderer.


  • RFT1 23-24 Mingenew Early Childhood Facility – Design and Construct