Planning and Development
Town Planning is about people and the community and aims to maintain and improve our quality of life. Council takes a great deal of care in planning our community and, through our Planning Scheme, we aim to create a high quality town and rural environment.
While all communities are made up of individuals with different tastes, needs and lifestyles, some values are common to all. One of the main functions of effective Town Planning is to ensure that development and land use proposals are appropriate for the area now and into the future.
Current Development for Public Comment
The crossover (or crossing) is the section of driveway that extends from the road kerb to the front or side property boundary line, across the verge.
In accordance with Regulation 15(2) of the Local Government (Uniform Local Provisions) Regulations 1996, Council defines a standard crossover as having the following features:
1. Concrete or brick paved;
2. Width at the property boundary of 3.0 metres
3. 1.5 metre tapers or wings at the crossover entrance;
4. Where constructed in concrete, the crossover shall be standard grey in colour;
5. Brick paved crossovers to have a 1.0-metre-wide concrete apron at the crossover entrance.
All new crossovers are to be constructed in accordance with the Shire of Mingenew’s ‘Standard Vehicle Crossover Specifications’. Written approval must be granted by the Shire prior to construction of a new/additional crossover commencing.
The Shire of Mingenew will reimburse 50% of the cost, as estimated by the local government, of the first standard crossing per single / individually titled lot. To be eligible for a standard crossover reimbursement, the crossover must meet or exceed the set Shire specifications and an application is received within 6 months of the crossing being constructed. Payment will be made based on 50% of a standard crossover only; the Shire is not obliged to bear the costs for a superior standard.
Standard Vehicle Crossover Specifications Council Policy 1.5.3 Crossovers Crossover Application Form Crossover Reimbursement FormA local planning scheme sets out a local government’s planning aims and objectives with respect to the development of its local area, and involves the zoning of land. The Shire of Mingenew’s current Local Planning Scheme No.4 is available for viewing on the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website by clicking here.
A local planning strategy provides strategic guidance for the future development of a local government area and the local planning scheme. The Shire of Mingenew has a Local Planning Strategy for the whole Shire and a separate more detailed Mingenew Townsite Local Planning Strategy and a copy of both strategies can be viewed by clicking here.
The Shire of Mingenew also has a Townsite Revitalisation Plan that considers the issues raised in Council’s Strategic Community Plan and Mingenew Townsite Local Planning Strategy and makes recommendations on actions that can achieve these goals. The Mingenew Townsite Revitalisation Plan can be viewed by clicking on Planning Forms and Documents below.
Local planning policies can be prepared by a local government to provide additional information on a Council’s position in relation to specific planning matters. Local planning policies can be prepared by a local government to provide additional information on a Council’s position in relation to specific planning matters. The Shire of Mingenew has an Outbuildings Local Planning Policy that can be accessed in the Planning Forms and Documents section.
Planning Application
In order to obtain planning approval a signed application form for planning consent is required to be lodged with the Shire and an Application for Planning Application Form can be downloaded by clicking here.
Should further information be required in relation to planning matters please contact the Shire office.