Tropical Cyclone Seroja

Updated 3:30pm, 19 October 2021

The Shire of Mingenew is currently working through the recovery stage following Tropical Cyclone Seroja.

In addition to the information below, we strongly recommend those impacted also visit the DFES Recovery Website, which contains a range of up-to-date resources, including links to financial assistance.

You can also attend the local recovery hub and meet representatives from DFES, the Department of Communities and Red Cross at the Mingenew CRC every Monday (and in Morawa Tuesday-Friday)


The Shire has introduced measures to streamline and reduce costs associated with planning and building approvals that would normally apply to building and development applications, to aid with recovery efforts.

There are a number of exemptions that already apply in terms of planning and development approvals for replacement structures that are like-for-like or are temporary measures (please note the exemption may not apply for heritage protected places or those within a bushfire prone area), including:

  • demolition of any building or structure
  • temporary works/accommodation (such as caravans, dongas, temporary grouped dwellings, cafes, shops etc) for an agreed period
  • emergency works to buildings and structures for public safety and maintenance of essential services
  • new single houses and associated structures on R-Coded land
  • new single houses and associated structures on rural land
  • new grouped dwellings, short stay accommodation, tourist accommodation, workforce accommodation etc.
  • new commercial buildings
  • solar panels on the roof of a building
  • signage
  • public works
  • specified as exempt in a local planning policy

At its May 2021 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council voted unanimously to waive a range of building and planning application fees to assist those impacted to rebuild, and waived some planning requirements for temporary buildings at its August 2021 Ordinary Meeting.

The above relates to planning and development approvals under the Planning and Development Act 2008, Regulations and the Shire’s Local Planning Scheme only, a building application may still be required under the Building Act. Please email should you have any further queries.


  • At this stage we ask that everyone travelling on the unsealed road network exercise caution; immediate hazards from the cyclone have been largely cleared, but there will be some road damage and signage that will take time to repair.
  • We have been successful in securing a funding package for repairs to cyclone-damaged roads
  • We will provide updates through our road conditions page.


  • Click here for a useful guide to some of the hazards you might face cleaning up, and how to avoid them
  • Click here for a helpful clean-up guide from the Red Cross
  • The Shire asks that you take remaining green waste and debris to the landfill moving forwards; we may have another kerbside pickup service available in the coming weeks, but for now our crews have returned to their regular duties
  • We would like to sincerely thank the Shire of Irwin, Shire of Coorow and Meedac who have provided some additional staff and equipment to assist
  • We would also like to recognise the work of all the volunteers who have pitched in to help; you have done an amazing job
  • If you are looking to volunteer your time to assist, there are a number of residents who may not be fit or equipped that may require a hand with cutting and moving tree branches or fences etc. So please talk to your neighbours or visit the CRC as they are are compiling a list of those who have registered their interest for assistance.
  • We are investigating options to assist with removal of metal waste, particularly for those with damaged sheds and similar structures
  • Fake tradies and other types of scammers often target disaster affected areas, offering cheap, cash-only repairs to roofs, driveways and fences, so beware those who come to your door unannounced. Instead ask relatives, friends or social media connections for recommendations, get several quotes and sight previous work plus proof of any credential claims, such as evidence of an industry association membership.



If you have questions or need help with insurance claims, you can contact the Insurance Council catastrophe hotline on 1800 734 621 or visit their website.

The Insurance Council, and several insurers, will be in Mingenew to meet with impacted residents on Thursday 2 September 2021. They will be at the Recreation Centre from 9am – 12pm.

Legal Support

Legal Aid WA at 1300 650 579 is available for free legal advice and referrals to assist with insurance claims, ability to service a mortgage, debts, property, housing and replacing important documents.

Financial Assistance

  • For a list of all the available gran programs, visit the DFES Recovery Website
  • Primary Producer Grants of up to $25,000 to assist with clean-up costs have been announced. Visit the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development to register your interest.
  • Small Business Recovery grants of up to $25,000 to assist with clean-up costs have been announted. Visit the Small Business Development Corporation to register your interest.
  • The Department of Communities have Emergency Financial Assistance available for those looking to replace essential household contents, or repair their properties. Contact the Disaster Response Hotline on 1800 032 965
  • The Australian Government is establishing a range of financial assistance measures for those affected. For more information visit this website or call 180 22 66. Impacted Mingenew residents will be eligible for Commonwealth assistance
  • The Lord Mayor’s Distress Relief Fund has been activated. It opened on 31 May. Copies of application forms are also available from the Shire office.
  • Services Australia Payment and Service Finder is an online tool that can be used to see what other payments and services are available, such as income support payments, child care subsidy and support for school aged children.
  • If you need assistance accessing online payments and services, the please visit the Mingenew CRC and they will be able to assist you
  • The Australian Taxation Office provides some forms of support to those impacted by disasters. Click here for more information.

Rural Aid

Rural Aid is a NFP Organisation that was set up to fundraise and provide assistance for farmers and rural communities and can provide assistance in times of natural disasters. They offer a further $1000 of assistance (independent to other Government Assistance). Click here for more details and to apply.

They have a range of programs and disaster assistance available for farmers and rural community members in WA including mental health support.

They also have available fodder for farmers that are without feed for livestock.

Contact the Mingenew Irwin Group for more information.

Red Cross

The Red Cross provide a range of assistance, including face-to-face outreach in our Shire. They also have a range of resources and training available for community groups and members dealing with disaster recovery. You can contact their locally-based outreach team on 0408 930 811.

Mental Health

Events like this can cause stress and anxiety; and this is normal. If you are struggling reach out to a friend or family member. There are also a range of mental health services available online and over the phone, they include:


If your property sustained damage and is unliveable please contact the Shire so that we can collate this data for assistance and accurate reporting. So even if you have lost your home and you are staying with family or in another home on the same property we would like to hear from you. Please contact the office via email at or call 9928 1102. You can also contact the Department of Communities Disaster Response Hotline for help on 1800 032 965.

You may have damaged asbestos on your property. This will mostly be broken pieces of asbestos sheeting (fences, walls, eaves). The asbestos in these broken sheets will still be ‘bonded’. That is, the fibres will be held together in the cement matrix so they wont be easily released. Therefore, they present a very low risk for exposure unless you start to break them further.
The authorities are organising specialised asbestos removalists for asbestos clean-up, so you don’t have to touch it. However, if you want to clean-up and remove the bonded asbestos sheets and fragments on your property you can do this if you follow the precautions below. If the asbestos can be easily broken when you touch it you need to leave it alone. This means it is becoming friable and will require specialist removalists.

Reasonable measures for cleaning bonded asbestos sheets and fragments:

  1. Make sure you are wearing adequate personal protective clothing. This includes;
    • P2 or N95 mask
    • Disposable coveralls – if available or old clothes that can be disposed later
    • Gloves
    • Disposable shoe covers – if available or hard cover shoes that can be cleaned
  2. Do not break or crush the asbestos when you are moving it.
  3. Carefully place the asbestos material in 200um plastic bags (heavy duty) or wrap using rolls of 200um plastic.
  4. If you are placing the asbestos in plastic bags they should NOT be more than half full. Tightly twist the bag opening and fold over to form a goose neck and secure with heavy duty duct tape. Finally place that bag inside another one (double bag), seal and label ‘DANGER ASBESTOS WASTE’
  5. If you are using rolls of black plastic make sure you only wrap the equivalent of a single fence sheet for each wrapping. Double wrap, seal with duct tape and label ‘DANGER ASBESTOS WASTE’
  6. Contact the Shire to arrange appropriate collection and disposal (we can also potentially assist with provision of plastic to wrap asbestos)

Please do not simply throw your asbestos waste at the tip, as this will present a hazard to other tip users as well as Shire personnel who will need to clean it up. Advise the Shire that you have asbestos for pick up, leave the asbestos wrapped, labelled and separate from other waste on the verge and we will arrange for safe collection and disposal.

You can learn more about asbestos here, here and here.

There is a  Asbestos Fact Sheet also available that outlines correct handling procedures.


  • If you need assistance for your animals visit these links
  • For farmers impacted by TC Seroja, stock feed (export-grade hay in 8x4x4 bales) is available from the Mingenew Polocrosse Grounds. Contact the Shire on 08 9928 1102 if you require some, as all collections need to be registered and accounted for.


Almost all outages have now been restored. If you’re experiencing outages or issues with utilities, use the contact details below.

  • Western Power 13 13 51
    • To claim the extended outage payment through Western Power click here
  • Horizon Power on 132 351
  • ATCO Gas Australia 13 13 52
  • Water Corporation 13 13 75
    • Visit their Customer Assistance page here which may offer support for those affected by TC Seroja
    • Water Corporation can advise that water has now reached the northernmost end of the Mingenew-Mullewa farmlands network and all properties should now be receiving water. The recovery time for the network was helped by the recent installation of flow restrictors at properties, which enable all customers to receive water quicker. Please contact them on 13 13 75 to report damaged infrastructure or if you are not receiving water at your property as expected. There may be remaining air in pipes requiring Water Corporation’s attention. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
  • Telstra (for residential telephone faults) 13 22 03
    • For disaster relief options (for personal and business customers) visit the Telstra site here or call 1800 888 888


  • If you have seen a downed pole or wires, please do not assume it is de-energised and do not try to move it. Stay 8m away and report it Western Power on 13 13 51 (24/7). By reporting it, you ensure that Western Power are aware of it and able to prioritise the repair.
  • If you are without phone service (but able to let someone know) please contact Telstra on 13 22 03