DA CONSULTATION – Proposed Second-hand dwelling and carport – 3 (Lot 165) Broad St, Mingenew

The Shire of Mingenew has received an application for the siting of a transportable building upon 3 (Lot 165) Broad Street, Mingenew and the undertaking of additional works including a patio/decking area to be attached to the building and a freestanding carport.


The Shire of Mingenew Local Planning Scheme lists ‘Second-hand Dwelling’ as a use that must be advertised in the ‘Residential’ zone and this application is therefore being advertised for comment.


A copy of the application along with background information, and a submission form should you wish to make comment (support/objection/indifferent) can be viewed by clicking here.


Submissions must be received prior to 4:00pm Friday 28 June 2024 and can be hand delivered to the Shire office during office hours, or mailed to PO Box 120 Mingenew WA 6522, or faxed to 9928 1128, or emailed to building@mingenew.wa.gov.au.


This matter will then be presented to the meeting of Council to be held on Wednesday 21 August 2024 commencing at 5:00pm for consideration.


Should you have any queries please contact this office on 9928 1102.