DA CONSULTATION – Proposed Temporary Drill Camp (Mooriary Deep 1, Lockyer 6, North Erregulla 3) and Main Camp (MREX)

Proposed Temporary Drill Camp (Mooriary Deep 1) – Lot M451 (P2982) Mooriary Road, Mooriary
Proposed Temporary Drill Camp (Lockyer 6) – Lot M433 (P2984) Mooriary Road, Mooriary
Proposed Temporary Drill Camp (North Erregulla 3) – Lot M433 (P2984) Mooriary Road, Mooriary
Proposed Main Camp (MREX) – Lot M433 (P2984) Mooriary Road, Mooriary

The Shire of Mingenew has received an application from Mineral Resources in association with their Exploration Drilling Program within Petroleum Licence EP368 managed separately under the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967.

Mineral Resources are seeking to establish a mobile workforce accommodation camp at 3 different sites that would house 26 people in support of a 24 hour exploratory drill program (with 2 crews working on 12 hour shifts). The mobile drill camp is anticipated to operate for a period of 60 days but may be required for a short follow-up period within the overall 2 year exploration drilling period.

The applicant also seeks to establish a main camp that would be on-site for a period of 2 years in support of the mobile drill camps. The main camp would consist of 24 transportable accommodation units that would each contain 2 x 1 bedroom/1bathroom workers accommodation. The main camp would also have 7 transportable buildings providing amenities such as kitchen, dining area, gym, storerooms and laundry, along with generators, refuelling areas, water tanks and on-site aerobic waste treatment systems.

‘Workforce Accommodation’ is listed as a land use that must be advertised for comment in the ‘Rural’ zone and the Shire is inviting comment upon this application.

A copy of the received application that provides further background can be viewed at the below link:
Proposed Temporary Drill Camp (Mooriary Deep 1) – Lot M451 (P2982) Mooriary Road, Mooriary
Proposed Temporary Drill Camp (Lockyer 6) – Lot M433 (P2984) Mooriary Road, Mooriary
Proposed Temporary Drill Camp (North Erregulla 3) – Lot M433 (P2984) Mooriary Road, Mooriary
Proposed Main Camp (MREX) – Lot M433 (P2984) Mooriary Road, Mooriary

Should you wish to make comment upon this application the submission form can be accessed at the below link:


Submissions must be received prior to 4:00pm Friday 28 June 2024 and can be forwarded to the Shire office by mail to PO Box 120 Mingenew WA 6522, by fax on 9928 1128 or emailed to enquiries@mingenew.wa.gov.au or hand delivered to the Shire Office.

The application and received submissions will then be presented to the meeting of Council that will be held on 21 August 2024 at the Council Chambers, 21 Victoria Street, Mingenew commencing at 5:00pm and is open to the public should you wish to attend.

Should you have any queries please contact this office on 9928 1102.