Council Appoints New CEO

The Shire of Mingenew is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Matt Fanning to the role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO).


At a Special Meeting of Council held on Tuesday, 5 July 2022, Council received and endorsed the recommendations of the CEO Recruitment Panel to appoint Mr Fanning.


Matt has over 30 years local government experience, working in regional Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia. Matt has had extensive experience in the delivery of major projects including mining, water, sewer, waste, transport infrastructure and emergency response management and has qualifications in Engineering, Accounting and Leadership.


Matt has coordinated many natural disaster events including the Major Gulf Flood event which involved the largest food resupply operation in QLD and was responsible for the infrastructure recovery efforts in Cardwell, QLD following Cyclone Yasi.


Matt has worked for 13 Local Government Authorities and both the NSW and QLD Departments of Main Roads. In addition Matt is a past board member of the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA) for 6 years in NSW and 4 years in QLD.


Matt will be accompanied by his wife Grace and three young boys George, Zanda and new arrival Jace. Matt and his family are looking forward to meeting members of the Shire of Mingenew community and settling in later in the year.


On behalf of Council, staff and the community, I wish to extend a very warm welcome to Matt to the organisation and his family to our community.


Matt is expected to commence in the role in October 2022. In the meantime, Maurice Battilana will continue to serve as Acting CEO.



Gary Cosgrove

Shire President